Wheel of The Year
Community Gatherings
Service Description
Community focused and family friendly gatherings that welcome an exchange of nourishing connection, music and food. The Wheel of the Year is a solar calendar that marks the turning of time and the seasons, an ancient wheel of connection to each phase of nature as the seeds sprouted, plants budded and bloomed, fruited, turned to seed then went to ground; these cycles repeating in an endless turning of the wheel of our lives. The Celtic calendar focused on the cyclical change of seasons. The original Celts, celebrated four fire festivals also known as cross quarter celebrations, evenly spaced throughout the year, celebrating the transition of the sun throughout the seasons. These include Samhain, Imbolc, Bealtaine, and Lughnasadh. These festivals combined with the solstices and equinoxes which are thought to be non-Celtic in origin, such as from Germanic Paganism or Neolithic sources are added to mark the eight festivals throughout the year. Our ancestors lived in harmony with these rhythms, celebrating the sun’s journey of growth and retreat and used these seasonal markers to dictate when to plow, sow, harvest and rest. We look forward to more of these gatherings at every turn of the wheel to celebrate the cyclical shift in the seasons, weather and the natural world around us. Creating energetic doorways through which we can cross the threshold to another stage of our life journey. They anchor us for a moment in this constantly changing world, to pause, reflect, celebrate and give thanks. These gatherings are offered on a sliding financial exchange in the hope to make these as accessible as possible. Each gathering welcoming a pot luck where each attendee is asked to contribute one dish to close the evening with a nourishing community meal. Upcoming; YULE - 20th December | Live Music With Ryan McKenna & Pete Docherty
Cancellation Policy
We understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise and we aim to be as accommodating as possible across all our offerings. If you need to cancel or reschedule please review our cancellation policies below.